Monday, October 21, 2013

Getting Professional Help

So, what if you've identified what kind of exercise works for you, and you've experimented with mixing things up a little and you're pretty sure you're getting enough protein and whatnot and you're still feeling stalled on your fitness goals? It might be time to call in an expert.

I hear a lot of reasons why people are resistant to work with a personal trainer, so I thought today would be a good day to try to put some of the fears to rest.

  • Reason #1: "I'm so out of shape, I'd never be able to do what they ask of me." This is actually the best possible reason to start working with a trainer! A responsible trainer is never going to take you someplace that isn't at least a little bit available to you. Yes, you will get pushed to your limits and yes, it will be difficult, but that's how you improve. One of the things that people who do work with trainers really like is the fact that there's someone holding them accountable and encouraging them to work just a little harder.
  • Reason #2: "All trainers are perky gym people, and that irritates me." It is true that a lot of trainers are in fact dudebros and barbie dolls, but certainly not all of us. If you're really concerned about personality conflicts, consider inquiring about personal training at a nearby yoga or pilates studio - much less potential for getting paired with a stereotypical "gym-type" trainer, although there is a stronger possibility of getting paired with a New Age hippie, but that might work for you! It is also worth considering that regardless of personality type and outward appearance, 99.7% (at least) of personal trainers went into that field out of a genuine desire to help people get healthier and more fit. A good trainer only has your best interests at heart, truly, and we do not judge. I promise.
  • Reason #3: "It's so expensive." This is a tough one to refute; it is indeed a bit of an investment to work with a trainer. But first of all, and most importantly, you and your health are worth it. Secondly, there is almost always a discount offered for buying a package of sessions rather than just one at a time - not a huge discount, granted, but every little bit helps. Thirdly, there are always options to consider: working with a trainer once a month rather than once (or more) a week, asking for training gift certificates for gift-giving holidays, and if you happen to be friends or acquaintance with a trainer you can offer a trade! I've trained people in exchange for baked goods and massages and it's worked out rather nicely for everyone involved.
So there you go! No excuses, now. Give it a try, even if it's just one session. You never know when fabulous things might happen.

Tomorrow we're going all minimalist! Indeed.

Have a lovely day.
- Sarah

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