Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm Back! And Now It's Break Time.

Happy October! Sorry for the unintentional hiatus yesterday - my laptop went flooey, and the thing that I learned was that you (or at least I) can't write a blog post on your phone! At least not with Blogger! But the important thing is we're here now, right? Right.

So it feels kind of thematically appropriate to talk about just taking a dang break sometimes. Yes, it can be really hard to give yourself permission to do so. Yes, you might have a bunch of people who also don't want to give you permission to do so. Yes, modern life expects us to be multitasking pretty much every waking minute of our lives, but you know what? You don't actually have to. No, you don't. Not every single minute. 

By all means, do what you need to do to keep the lights on and food on your table. Take care of your kids and your pets and your other assorted loved ones, I would never tell you otherwise. But you don't have to be perfect about it and you don't have to do it to the detriment of your health and well-being, and I can just about guarantee that if you're giving all of your time and energy to other people and none to yourself your health and well-being are going to suffer.

So carve out some time for yourself, for pete's sake! Put it on your calendar if you have to. Even if it's just 15 minutes once or twice a week for now, designate that time and take it (just try to increase it eventually, if it's only 15 minutes once or twice a week. Promise me). Make a dent in that stack of magazines that's piled up on your coffee table or take a walk through your favorite part of your neighborhood or get a pedicure or just sit quietly and stare at the wall, whatever you need to do just let yourself do it. If you're having trouble giving yourself permission, remember that this self-refreshing time will make you a WAY better employee/spouse/parent/ferret-owner than always giving of yourself and never giving to yourself. Do we have a deal? I think we have a deal.

Foodie Wednesday tomorrow! It's going to be tasty.

- Sarah

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