Monday, September 23, 2013

Catching Zzzs

Happy Monday! I hope your weekend was fabulous, and that you did fabulous things for yourself.

So remember when I said last week that a lot of things can contribute to your fitness regimen not achieving what you'd like? Well, here's another one and I can just about guarantee that you're not expecting it (much like the Spanish Inquisition. Sorry, that was terrible, but I couldn't resist. Anyway).

Sleep. For real.

Lack of sleep sends your metabolism into stress mode, wherein it assumes that something terrible is either happening or about to happen and so it not only conserves calories but also makes you crave more calories to ensure that you'll be adequately fueled during the ongoing/upcoming catastrophe. Additionally, if you're exhausted and therefore cranky you'll probably crave "comfort food" in an effort to stave off said crankiness.

So ... get more sleep! Yeah, I know, sometimes it's really not that easy but it's important to try. Noisy neighbors? White noise machine. Snoring bedmate? Earplugs, or possibly a visit to a sleep apnea specialist or an ear, nose, and throat doctor if the situation is really dire. Uncomfortable bed? Add a topper, or get new pillows. Also, many of my colleagues swear by essential oils and I've found that they really are onto something there - a little lavender or vetiver on the soles of your feet can do wonders when nothing else is working. 

On top of the metabolic benefits, more sleep is a good way to improve so many other things - your skin, your brain function, your general outlook. Much like drinking more water and breathing more deeply, getting more and better sleep is a relatively minor act that has such major results you'd be silly not to at least give it a try. Heck, take a nap right now! (don't tell your boss I told you that)

Tomorrow, we're getting obvious. Join me then to find out just what the heck I mean by that.

In the mean time, have a lovely day!
- Sarah

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