Wednesday, September 25, 2013

On Your Plate

It occurred to me that as far as Foodie Wednesdays go, there's not much point in talking about meals until we've established what comprises a meal, exactly. And according to whomever determines these things that seems to change on a fairly regular basis but the last time I checked a meal was supposed to be half vegetables, one-quarter protein, and one-quarter starch. I suspect that these proportions can be fiddled with a little, especially if you're vegetarian or vegan, but I think this is a good jumping-off point.

The end. See you tomorrow!

Just kidding.

My real point today is that yes, these are the proportions, but as for what actual food is filling those proportions? I encourage you to get creative with that. 

For example, "breakfast for dinner." Why is this such a big deal? Since when are scrambled eggs and pancakes only to be eaten before noon? Similarly, who says you can't eat a turkey sandwich for breakfast if that's what you feel is your best morning fuel? Find what works best for you and who cares if it's conventionally agreed upon!

Along the same lines, meal size. Not everybody does best with dinner being their largest meal of the day. I hear a lot that the optimal meal sizes are a medium breakfast, a large lunch, and a tiny dinner, but that has never worked for me at all - all a medium-to-large breakfast does for me is make me want to laze around the entire rest of the day. Really what I need is five or six equally-sized small meals taken in 2.5-3 hour intervals, but that's me. You're probably different, and that's okay!

So to heck with convention. Listen to your body and find what works best for you, even if it's not what everyone else thinks you should be doing (that applies to a lot more than meals when you get right down to it, no?). I know I've said it before, but it always bears repeating - when your body is properly fueled, many other things will start functioning more effectively for you too.

Tomorrow? Full disclosure. That's all I'm saying right now.

- Sarah

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