Monday, September 2, 2013


So hey! Welcome! Glad you're here!

What are we doing here, exactly? Well, I want to help make your life better and every weekday I'll be posting little tidbits to help further that goal: recipes, suggestions, bits of inspiration, things of that nature. Maybe we'll have a dance party every now and then - I firmly believe that the world needs more dance parties. Actually, you know what? Go have yourself a one-minute dance party right now. Seriously. I'll wait.


All right! Wasn't that fun? So anyway, why should you listen to one single thing I have to say? First of all, I'm the lady who just gave you permission to have a one-minute dance party and I think that counts for a lot. More seriously, I'm a pilates instructor who spends a lot of time working one-on-one with people who tell me what's going on in their lives and ask for my advice and I see a lot of the same questions repeating in various forms from various people, and I know that these questions can't be specific to just my clients. People, maybe even you, want to know what they can do to make themselves happier and healthier and I can help with that. I can also tell you right now that a lot of the answers are not what you're expecting.

Speaking of answers, by the way, I certainly don't have all of them, I'm just going to say that up front. No one does, not even Oprah. But I do have a lot of personal experience with figuring this stuff out, and I've learned a great many things along the way, and I want to share those learnings with you. You see (it's going to get a little serious here for a minute, but not too bad I don't think. And there's a happy ending!), a few years ago I was terribly unhappy, and it took me a while to figure out why but what it boiled down to was that I was in the wrong town and the wrong job, I wasn't eating or sleeping as well as I could have been, and I was taking care of a lot of different people but I wasn't taking care of myself. Once I was able to name the problems I could set about fixing them, which led to me essentially hitting the reset button on my entire life. I turned my side job into a career path, moved to a completely different part of the country, and began the process of rebuilding my life to look and function exactly as I want and need it to. I'm not there yet - after all, one's life is a lifelong process - but I'm well on my way. I want to help you on your way too.

We'll kick it off for real tomorrow, when I'll share with you the main thing you can do to improve your entire situation. No joke! See you then.

- Sarah